The Butthurt of Boggy

Boggy was making very thoughtful replies on a forum post when he saw that someone had quoted on his post.
"TL;DR lol butthurt"
How could they dare! This kind of immaturity surely couldn't stand!
He began to type, furiously and with all the speed he could muster.
His butt began to ache, but that was probably from sitting in his chair all day.
About five hours later he had finished up the last post.
He was absolutely sure they had to see his side of the story now!
But then something happened.
"You have been banned for 1 month"
He was furious!
So furious, in fact, that he completely forgot about the searing pain in his ass.
Five minutes later he collapsed on his kitchen floor from excessive butthurt.
He woke up in a hospital.
What was he doing here, he asked the doctors.
The doctors told him of his predicament.
"But don't worry!", they said, "We have a surplus of butthurt cream!"
When he got unbanned, he tried fail trolling again; this time he bled to death from his anus.
The end.